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The bus station of Takua Pa is the three-way junction for buses coming from the north (Ranong, Chumphon, Bangkok), the east (Surat Thani, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan) and the south (Phuket, Khao Lak, Krabi).

All transport to and from Takua Pa is by road.

The most common means of transport are aircon buses on Petchkasem Highway H4, mainly buses from Phuket to Bangkok and back.

From Khao Lak to various tourist destinations in the south there are aircon minibuses or minivans leaving Khao Lak at 8 and 11 am in the morning. From destinations in the north and east they depart at about the same time and pass Takua Pa in the afternoon.
Bus from Bangkok
From the Southern Bus Terminal Sai Tai in Bangkok depart all kind of aircon busses to Takua Pa, some heading further to Phuket or to Phang Nga. The buses from Bangkok stop at the bus station and according to the wishes of passengers.
Takua Pa buses
All the busses in this bus table are leaving from Takua Pa.
It gives an indication for buses coming from those destinations at roughly the same time for the same fare.
Approximately every 45 minutes or so a bus departs for the south via Khao Lak, starting at 5 o'clock in the morning.

Direct Takua Pa - Phuket Bus

Phang Nga -- Khuraburi
via Takua Pa

Phuket -- Surat Thani
via Takua Pa

Phuket -- Chumphon
via Takua Pa

Bus destinations

Takua Pa map

Around Takua Pa
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