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Mu Koh Ra - Koh Phrathong National Park

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Koh Ra - Koh Phra Thong National Park (เกาะพระทอง) (KhuraBuri)

Koh Ra-Koh Phra Thong National Park is approximately 642 sq km consisting of large parts of four islands at the Andaman coast in Phang Nga province.

Koh Ra is a mountainous island and has long sandy beaches. There is a perfect shallow coral reef. Koh Phra Thong is a habitat for various kinds of fauna, animals and birds such as deer, boar, hornbill, lesser adjutant, etc.
Dugongs can often be seen as they have a source of food due to the rich seaweed here.

Due to its history it is called Koh Yipun (Japanese Island) by the locals. Koh Phra Thong has a level forest area divided by a canal. Sea turtles crawl up the beach to lay their eggs on the eastern side of the island from November to the end of December.
Koh Ra-Koh Phra Thong National Park is located in the Districts Khura Buri and Takua Pa; to the east is a coastal mangrove forest adjacent to the mainland.
Also there is some bungalow accommodation available in the northern half.

Koh Ra - Phra Thong National Park, Koh Phra Thong, Khuraburi, Phang Nga 82150

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